Successful people never waste time on the following 8 things

Mahinda Herath
5 min readSep 27, 2021

As a Community Developer, People frequently come to me when they are feeling anxious, stressed, or as if they are not achieving their goals or the things they most desire in life. They are in a bind. They’ve reached a point where they’re at a loss for what to do. So one of the first things I do is identify their time-wasters, the things that are impeding their performance and preventing them from going ahead toward their goals. I believe we all engage in activities that do not lead to our greatest success or pleasure from time to time. I certainly did at one point, but once I became an entrepreneur and realized how precious each second of the day was — that there was no time to squander on things that didn’t help me or my business grow — I made the required changes. We all want to be successful in life, yet sometimes we waste our time doing things that prevent us from achieving our maximum potential. And, more often than not, we are unaware of these things until they are pointed out to us.

It’s critical to examine how we spend our days, hour by hour, and to search for methods to work smarter and eliminate time-wasters on a regular basis. So, to get started, here are eight things that productive, successful individuals never waste time on (and neither should you):

01. People that are productive and successful do not get sucked into social media

Checking Facebook alerts, browsing through photos on instagram, reading short updates on Twitter, and so on are all part of everyday life. However, if you don’t keep track of how much time you spend on it, the hours will pass you by before you’ve completed anything on your to-do list. So either set a timer for when you need to minimize it, exit the app, and do something else, or only use it after finishing important work assignments. As a reward, use social media.

02. People that are productive and successful don’t go about their days without a plan

Successful people have a plan, a laser-focused list of goals they aim to accomplish on any given day. I believe in writing things down, but simply the top two or three things I need to get done that day, not a lengthy list. Write down your primary goals and break down those huge tasks into smaller manageable pieces, and you’ll find yourself eager to complete them and check them off your to-do list.

03. People that are productive and successful do not engage in emotionally draining activities

You must focus on things that positively feed your life if you want to live a genuinely successful existence. Productive individuals don’t waste time on things that drain their emotions. Before you commit to events on your calendar, make sure they will bring value to your life. If you don’t feel it will, you should consider declining. Also, don’t feel compelled to respond immediately when you’re asked to do anything. Consider your response before you answer yes, and remember that it’s quite OK to decline requests for your time.

04. People who are productive and successful don’t stress about things they can’t control

Worrying gets you nowhere in life, especially if you can’t do anything about it, as successful people understand. So shift your focus to action-oriented tasks. Concentrate on tasks that you can do.

05. Negative individuals do not associate with productive, successful people

According to popular belief, you are the average of the five individuals with whom you spend the most time. So, if you want to be the best version of yourself, you must surround yourself with the finest people. Make sure you’re not surrounded by bad, poisonous energy. You must discharge what is holding you down if you wish to fly in life.

06. People that are productive and successful do not linger on their previous errors

Even the most successful individuals make errors. Everyone makes errors from time to time. Making sure you don’t make the same mistake twice, learning and growing from your errors, and becoming a better person as a result of them is the key to success in life. So, when you make a mistake, remember that the error is over and that you can’t go back in time. Concentrate on what you’ve learnt and developed a plan for moving forward.

07. People who are productive and successful are unconcerned with what others are doing

It’s fantastic to be motivated by others’ achievements, but if you’re always comparing yourself to others and it’s pulling you down, it’s time to change your mentality. Allow people to inspire you, but keep in mind that the most important person in your life is you.

08. People that are productive and successful do not place themselves last on their priority list

We’ve all had days when we didn’t get enough sleep or exercise because we were working on a large assignment. But only if you want to be successful and happy in the long run.



Mahinda Herath

Professional Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Scientist, Extension Officer (BSc, MSc, PhD (reading), Dip. in Psychology, AMPC)